The EPC will be modular, affordable, interoperable, and flexible in order to meet the operational needs expressed by Navies in a joint “Common Staff Requirements”. Defined as a second line vessel (NATO definition: limited warship unit), it will be prepared to fully tackle next-generation threats corresponding to its typical missions, while also being energy-efficient, green, safe, connected and cyber-secured.
Modularity and flexibility will offer the possibility to adapt predefined volumes in the warship andthe capacity to modify scalable system parameters without jeopardizing the whole design.
Notably, EPC will, by default, be fitted with a large flexible area enabling the ship to reconfigurefrom one mission to another, with the ability to change some equipment or on-board systemsbetween missions.
The mission packages would cover a wide range of needs, from additional accommodation to spare stores, and various combat system “mission modules”.
EPC programme will include the development, evaluation and integration of many technological bricks, such as:
▪ Resilient, efficient and green propulsion systems and electrical power plants
▪ Power management and marine systems
▪ Multi-drone operations
▪ Flex zones
▪ Ship data management (secured data-centre, virtualization, remote treatment, data analytics…).
▪ Smart damage management system
▪ Design-oriented to circular economy
Today, after the successful completion of the customers’ requirements analysis, several concepts have been designed and studied in order to comply with the Nations’ specific requirements while being modular and versatile.
Additionally, parallel engineering processes are set up in order to develop technological bricks that will be later integrated into the ship platform.
On 15 may 2024 the European Commission selected the EPC project’s proposal.
Based on the foundational MMPC Call 1 Programme, the industry’s commitment is intensified in MMPC Call 2 and aims at building a common working environment to develop a common baseline for thenew Class of ships.
If you wish to have additional information on the project, please use the joint form, we will reply to you as much as possible