EPC Call 1

Press release: October 24, 2023

Launching of the first phase of the European Patrol Corvette project with signature of Modular and Multirole Patrol Corvette contract

On the 24th October 2023, with a ceremony held at OCCAR premises in Rome,  OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation) has signed with a Consortium, coordinated by Naviris and gathering together Fincantieri (Italy), Naval  Group (France), Navantia (Spain) and other beneficiaries from Greece, Denmark and  Norway (*) all the Modular and Multirole Patrol Corvette (MMPC) contractual  documents for the implementation of the first phase of the European Patrol Corvette  (EPC) project.  

The overall value of this first phase is 87 M€ and is strongly supported by the  European Commission (EC) through the European Defence Fund (EDF). Indeed, 60 M€ will be funded by the EC in the form of “grants” while the remaining 27 M€ will  be funded by the Member States (Italy, France, Spain, Denmark, Greece and Norway)  who decided to support the project. OCCAR will manage the full scope of the  project, acting as Granting Authority, on mandate of the EC, and Contracting  Authority, on mandate of the above-mentioned Member States.  

On the same day, the Delegates of the companies signed a consortium agreement,  whose objective is to rule the execution of the project, maximizing synergies and  collaboration among European shipbuilding industries.

With a duration of 24 months, this MMPC first contract aims to provide the initial design of  a next generation class of naval vessel, the European Patrol Corvette (EPC), launched in the  context of a PESCO project (1). The EPC will include at first two main versions: the Long Range  Multipurpose and the Full Combat Multipurpose, both maximizing innovations, synergies and  cross-fertilization among three main European shipbuilding architects and manufacturers  Naval Group, Fincantieri, Navantia, linked with the operational needs of the different Navies. 

The EPC programme represents a step forward in the European defence cooperation. It will  strongly contribute to the European sovereignty in the second line vessels domain, by  strengthening the European industry, increasing efficiency and lowering delays to go from  the military need to the delivery to Navies. By developing together a new and disruptive 

class of corvettes, the four companies aim to ensure and foster a European sovereignty  based on European “in-house” skills and know-how. This contract signature highlights the  capabilities of the nations, through the management by OCCAR, to work efficiently together  and to pool the know-how of their prominent naval industries, for supporting the European navies. It also shows how important and effective can be the EDF, to support the European  Member States in the development of defence capabilities made in Europe. 

Based on innovative and disruptive technologies, the new class will illustrate a group of  smart, innovative, affordable, sustainable, interoperable and flexible vessels designed to  meet a wide range of missions in a continuously evolving context. Depending on the  requirements specified by each Navy, the ships will be able to carry out a wide range of  missions in operational contexts as diverse as surveillance on the high seas with a high  degree of autonomy, or law enforcement and sovereignty affirmation missions closer to  the coast, adapted to the different Navies needs. 


(1) The European Patrol Corvette (EPC) is a program of future innovative naval vessels which is developed  in a collaborative way by several Navies and members of the European Union, under the banner of the  PESCO* project (PESCO approval in 2019). Five Navies have officially joined the project (Italy, France,  Spain Greece and Norway while Romania, Ireland and Portugal are observers) to define jointly the  requirements for a 2nd rank surface combatant of about 110 meters long and 3000 tons able to replace  in the near future several series of ships. 

The EPC project is strongly supported by European Commission and participating Member States. The  European Commission opened a call named MMPC – Modular and Multirole Patrol Corvette – for which  Naviris coordinated the elaboration of a proposal by pooling together the expertise of a European  consortium (40 companies in 12 countries) which was submitted in December 2021. This proposal has  been selected in July 2022 with a grant of EDF and national co-funding of the Member States for a two year initial phase of design, the development of technological bricks and the definition of common working  methodologies, rules and standards. 

With its ambition of excellence, the programme intends to grow with the expertise of various specialized  European companies, in line with the European Commission strategy and national participating Member  States defence strategies and Navies needs. 

About Naviris 

Naviris is a 50/50 owned joint venture by Fincantieri and Naval Group, officially launched in January  2020. With this alliance bringing new opportunities to the surface ship market, Fincantieri and Naval  Group have cemented their joint desire to build a future of excellence for the shipbuilding industry and  navies. The two European leaders with complementary offers, supported by a large ecosystem, came  together to better serve the world’s navies and mutually increase their competitive edge. They are  materialising their shared worldwide ambition: the alliance is based on a mutual understanding of the  challenges and realities of naval defence in the world of today. Naviris is dedicated to opening the  doors to the international markets of tomorrow. 

Naviris at the heart of European Defence 

Media contact: 

Ilaria Castagnola ilaria.castagnola@naviris.com +39 345 0848813 

About Fincantieri 

Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups, the only one active in all high-tech marine  industry sectors. It is leader in the construction and transformation of cruise, naval and oil & gas and wind  offshore vessels, as well as in the production of systems and component equipment, after-sales services  and marine interiors solutions. Thanks to the expertise developed in the management of complex projects,  the Group boasts first-class references in infrastructures, and is a reference player in digital technologies  and cybersecurity, electronics and advanced systems. With over 230 years of history and more than 7,000  ships built, Fincantieri maintains its know-how, expertise and management centres in Italy, here employing 

10,000 workers and creating around 90,000 jobs, which double worldwide thanks to a production network  of 18 shipyards operating in four continents and with almost 21,000 employees. www.fincantieri.com 

Press Office: 

Tel. +39 040 3192473 


Investor Relations 

Tel. +39 040 3192111 


About Naval Group 

Naval Group is a partner to its customers’ maritime sovereignty. An international player in naval Defence and heir to French naval know-how, Naval Group develops innovative solutions to meet the needs of  navies. Present throughout the entire life cycle of the ships, the group designs, builds, integrates and  maintains submarines and surface ships, as well as their systems and equipment, through to dismantling.  It also provides services for shipyards and naval bases. A high-tech company, it builds on its exceptional  expertise, its unique design and production resources and its ability to set up strategic partnerships and  successful transfers of technology. Attentive to the challenges of corporate social responsibility, Naval  Group is a member of the United Nations Global Compact. With operations on five continents, the group  has a turnover of 4.3 billion euros and employs 16 029 people (full-time equivalents / 2022 data). 

Press contacts

Véronique Page veronique.page@naval-group.com +33 (0) 6 37 18 01 32 

Bénédicte Mano benedicte.mano@naval-group.com +33 (0)6 76 46 17 77 

About Navantia 

With a history of more than 300 years building ships for the Spanish Navy, Navantia is a state-owned  strategic Defence and technology company. Its areas of specialization range from shipbuilding (surface  and submarine), to the design and integration of state-of-the art systems, life cycle support and smart  services. Additionally, through its brand Navantia Seanergies, it is a global supplier for the development of  offshore wind energy and other green energies such as hydrogen. Navantia employs nearly 4,000 people  directly in Spain, mainly at its offices in Ferrol and Fene (A Coruña), Puerto, Real, San Fernando, Cádiz  and Rota (Cádiz), Cartagena (Murcia Region) and Madrid and has subsidiaries in Australia, Saudi Arabia  and United Kingdom. 

Committed to building a safe and sustainable future through technological excellence and industrial  collaboration, Navantia has contracts with Governments and companies around the world, as well as ties  with universities and technological and academic centres. It contributes to sustainability and innovation  through its daily commitment to people and the planet through its ESG practices. It is owned 100% by the  Sociedad Española de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), attached to the Spanish Ministry of Finance. 

Carolina Jiménez cjmenez@navantia.es +34 600905518 

Esther Benito ebenito@navantia.es +34 690109243 

(*) About other beneficiaries 







7. VESTDAVIT, Norway 


9. SH DEFENCE, Denmark